Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Couple of Days Back In the Atlantic City Library

Blog entry 8/2/2007 1:50 PM…
Although I have been messing around with the blogging on dialogD sporadically now for awhile I really haven’t gotten much traction yet. So the goal of the next couple of weeks is to really just start wading back in on a regular basis and start the process of getting, to steal an old National Lampoon bit, getting totally immersed in my work- kind of like Warsaw cesspool worker Vincent Sluski.

I will get going on synchronizing this effort to the building and expanding of my companion website and just try to get going to wherever those efforts lead. “Proceed as the way opens…” as William least Heat Moon put it in his book Riverhorse. And that begins by saying this:
I will be blogging about the politics and culture and such like of the current American landscape. Lot’s a guys and female women doing it. But I’m going to put my take on “all of it” out there- and let the chips and good times roll. I have been “studying on this, studying on this a lot…” (Old Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath) and writing about it for better than two-thirds of my life now- which shucks now amounts to pretty near 40 count ‘em forty years now and until this blogging and companion Web Site venue evolved into an option over the last 10 years or so I just never found comfort in any of the traditional outlets for the reluctantly intermittent lit guy writer- social commentator- political actor/ poet philosopher- adventurer explorer- writer (again with the wannabe wordsmithing reference) naturalist.

But now I think this is it. The Internet has indeed changed a lot of things- and from this point on I am throwing my URL’s, hat, essays, and collected research and observations into the fray. It is, I believe, my calling, my reason to believe and be, and more importantly I think: hope for the possibility of our Democracy reinvigorating itself, reclaiming itself, and reinventing itself that will be required in order for “We the people of this country, land, earth, and planet to undertake “The Great Work” that we need to in order to find our way into an acceptably free, sustainable, and harmonious future. That is the preamble to what I will now try to simply start saying and then hopefully keep saying.

But, as much as I want to make something of “the writin’’ by doing this- this is as much about trying to be a part of going out and “Getting this whole thing started…” as it is about me and my personal individual getting by creatively and finding peace in the manner I try to make my way in this world. This is, ultimately, a political, social, economic, and spiritual call for progressive grassroots democratic activism and organizing among the vastly diverse people of this great land and ultimately of this amazing and miraculous planet. I believe, sincerely, naively, and hopefully- that we can do better- but only if we transcend where we’re at, individually and collectively, enough so that we can find, chart, and enact a better course.

Many people have discussed where we’re at and where we need to go from here. One of the core books that has inspired my efforts is Thomas Berry’s The Great Work. I am going to start with that thought next time…

Now, I’ll edit a little and get on back to the Boardwalk…

From the Personal Eventually on over to The political...

Well the AC experiment is over so now the focus will mainly be getting on with my work, so to speak. Blogging itself is only a componant to that overall picture, ultimately, but I think it is a crucial one to the foundation I want to lay down.

For sure, I have a lot of "Interior work" to do, to use the phrase Robert Bly uses on occasion. And as I do it I will try to free up my creative energies and future such that I can- again using another's words, in this case Joyce Carol Oates- allow my heart to be laid bare. (sic) Hopefully in a not to maudlin and highly readable and enjoyable fashion.

There is a lot of similarity in where I'm at now to where I've been many times before. Kind of one of them there deja vu sort of things. Or perhaps it's apres or presque. Vu, that is. In any case the first stage of this is just getting back to writing consistently again, on a daily basis, and then blending in all the editing, focusing, and re-researching and reading and re-reading of all my own crop plus much of what has come to form the core texts of my whole sheband of a philosophy, Horatio.

Well, more posts will follow this one, hopefully with the sort of regularity that can eventually lead to some sort of coherence.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And Again... And Again... (I really can even make it repetitive)

So I will edit all my crap and begin posting relevant bits to this here blog as I renew my search and research efforts to get my own work going. Like I said: ad nauseum. And it's like re-inventing the wheel for this old hippie Luddite every time I try to get re-immersed in, like, my work, man.
The remainder of this post is made up of excerpts from a letter to one of the several friends from forever in my life who I would indeed like to be working together with on the stuff that all of my "Pro Democracy in America" suggestions are in there aggregate calling for.

O.K., Bbbrraaahhh, Supposing We Were Going to Work Together, you know, collaborate one might say, on, you know, “Getting this whole thing started” and all… what might that mean or entail???

I am going to try and get my ducks in a row and get organized techno-gyzmically speaking and get up and producing on this whole writing-blogging-organizing-advocacy schtick that I say repeatedly that I want you to join me in working on… and I do want you to get involved ASAP.The point then ultimately of my blogging and recruiting my “friends” and Peeps and homies and boys and my troops to the effort is that we have got to utilize the Web 2.Oh capabilities that blogging is a part of if we are ever to impact the way of “business and politics as usual.”

That being said:

· … as the new blogger site makes more sense as the advocacy blog for dialogD the Web site. (Note to reader- that URL in all its possible manifestations has been taken by some Republican politician in New Hampshire, I believe- but I am sure there are other good names right- they can't all be taken. Can they???)

· WebTwoPointOh could be a proprietary Web Site for what this evolves to. Or should that be Web3PtOh(beta).com. Irregardless though, Bbbrruuhhh, the whole idea of, like, “My Work” at this point can be best expressed thus:

o The MySpace model for helping to organize politically is potentially the best hope for an effective challenge to our current complicated collective political and economic predicament;

o And then if eventually it really does lead anywhere then hell I may be doing some good cool work by then and boom… I stay involved in continuing to ratchet things up a few notches.

Just doing what I have in mind as far as the Blogging and web enterprising and organizing is the best way ever to possibly go ahead and “get this whole thing started” and I have spent far too much energy explaining to myself and writing for no one what I think I might be ready to start doing… so might as well unleash the hounds now and make a public spectacle of the efforts even if no real public is paying attention.

So what I am doing initially is looking at a lot of material about blogging and social networking and trying to interpolate that back to what I want to get dialogD in all its potential incarnations to be up and running and doing “out there” in the real world.


7/2/2007 11:55 AM

So bring on that horizon…

Anyway, the idea is to really move it all forward this time, finally. And to start with that does mean simply reviewing, reorganizing, and in some cases rewriting everything that has been related to my ongoing education in this here life going back to my earliest awakenings of consciousness of the world and the life as I am living and learning it and trying to make some semblance of coherence of the whole shooting match as I do this review. And hopefully have this effort gain me some place to make my stand, or do my thing, in peace.

That means being self conscious of trying to not find but put voice- or perhaps volume is the better word, to my voice in an ongoing manner as I make my way through the day as I do so well some of the time.

So here I am in Starbucks with a double wide dark roast all for me me me and a newspaper to peruse- and who knows, maybe comment in a blog worthy fashion about…


Sunday, April 29, 2007

So, what about it Soolay Bruthah?

Why don't we collaborate on this thing. Your saying it's hopeless is no more or less true than it was say in the late 60's or early 70's. Remember those fabulous times? There was all them movements and the/we Baby Boomers were well into our perpetual adolescences and I know I for one of them had more or less rationally decided that opposing them was to iffy and scary and I would rather just seek my seperate peace: you know: either land in Australia or the Great American West or just outside La Honda or Half Moon Bay (back when us locals were just body surfing or boogie boarding Mavericks and had enough sense to keep it on the QT)
Anyway, my point is this: if not us-who... and if not now, well shoot we could end up waiting tables or substitute teaching and day laboring in our 50's. Hell, I'd rather go back to being not just a gambler but a professional gambler. I'm sure my card counting skills are not all that eroded. And I definitely have a feel for the machines. Know what I'm saying?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Overview Introduction

First of all this blog is an attempt to communicate with and recruit some of my best and lifelong friends to become actively engaged in a conversation about all the things and issues I been studyin' on lo these many moons, years, and gosh: decades now- regarding our culture, society, and politics... aka "Our Democracy" such as it is here in the good old US of A right here right now circa late April already 2007. From these initial and somewhat personal communications I hope this effort evolves and grows into something of a community, discussion, advocacy and organizing blog calling on not only my currently quite miniscule "small circle of friends" but Americans in general who agree with much of the gist of what is proposed and suggested here (and elsewhere around the Web, world, and nation)- to build an "Evolutionary Progressive Grassroots Transformational Democracy Solidarity" (EPGTDS) movement in the United States that advocates greater economic, social, and political Democracy at all levels throughout our country and society.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Just wading in and flailing away from this point...

Basically there is no point to hesitating or qualifying any further. One of the key points as I see it to the ultimate potential of blogging is it's simple and emergent nature. So, this effort and ongoing experiment is for me a combination "pro Democracy in America" progressive Democracy advocacy blog and forum as well as the beginning of an ongoing presentation of some of my lifelong work as a somewhat repressed and thus ready to explode wannabe essayist/writer naturalist- poet philosopher and itinerent adventuror explorer.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Actually been trying to blog awhile...

...I just didn't know it. Back when I first was leaving my Luddite ways (somewhat) and learning to play a little with the computer and learning to type and what not and getting mentored techno-gyzmically by Tim. But it all lead back to here:
Well, predictably enough in my case the work the work the working life has taken a toll on all the other notions of living and creativity and so forth. I am just surviving the days- which can be numbing. Yeah, they aren’t so bad for getting a paycheck, as work days go… but there is a definite down side. Blogging and the new Web Presence is the new plan but I just can’t get any traction. I need to just put a lot of time in getting to a starting or jumping off point and then I don’t think it will be so bad.
But I am not there yet…
More soon enough maybe. Gotta get my mind right about something from here. Whatever.

Getting Started For Real Now...

So this is Ariel and this is Courier and this must be Georgia and I see Lucida Grande and this is my somewhat old standard Times though not quite the exact deelybop I always chose in my more serious writing stages and now It's Trebuchet which I kind of like but we'll see and Verdana is O.K. but pretty blah (though I know I'd choose it if it were only Ventana as in the B.S. Wilderness and Big Fires fame... but it ain't and now it's none other than WebdingsI guess WebDings ain't a fer real Font in the traditional sense of the term. This one is just Blogger's default font and now it's time to decide. O.K., I have decided to go with Vendana for old NoCal memories sake and move on to more posting soon- like later today.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sittin', drinkin', superficially thinkin...

Yo yo yo just checking out the new template and trying to get my mind right to move forward with what I am euphemistically still referring to as "my work".

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Well, slogging along still and discovering a littlel more about this here Blogger and its capabilities- which is resulting in progress being made and a new look to this dialog democracy blog. Pretty soon now I will be finally at the meat and potatoes stage of what I will be doing here and look forward to that point.

Let's see what this looks like without using the Title or Link fields in the Post page.
Just trying to post with my new html edits to my template to see where the link made using the link entry on this Posting page winds up.

Also seeing how doing a double line break looks.

Monday, March 12, 2007

So with a certain amount of ominous shyness I begin, or restart perhaps is more accurate, my blogging efforts as they relate to the potential for the blogosphere (sic?) specifically or narrowly and the Internet generally (but especially this "newish" phase of the Net hyped as the Web 2.0 with all it's community and connectivity possibility and promise) to contribute on a meaningful level to the cause of revitalizing in a progressive and profound manner "our Democracy" in this here country of ours: the good old US of A.
The link here and above to is to a companion organizing and advocacy Web Site that will have, in some cases, somewhat lengthier material related to what's posted here and also present a more comprehensive package of what I am talking about when I talk about "BIG D" Democracy and some proposals and suggestions about how we might, as a progressive community and force in this country's political life, organize and work towards getting us to move in that direction.
Meantime, the blogging here and the Web Site there are a work in progress. So I just say come on with it then... Farward and faiyaka... Minnotuh- and den gosaka...