Monday, March 12, 2007

So with a certain amount of ominous shyness I begin, or restart perhaps is more accurate, my blogging efforts as they relate to the potential for the blogosphere (sic?) specifically or narrowly and the Internet generally (but especially this "newish" phase of the Net hyped as the Web 2.0 with all it's community and connectivity possibility and promise) to contribute on a meaningful level to the cause of revitalizing in a progressive and profound manner "our Democracy" in this here country of ours: the good old US of A.
The link here and above to is to a companion organizing and advocacy Web Site that will have, in some cases, somewhat lengthier material related to what's posted here and also present a more comprehensive package of what I am talking about when I talk about "BIG D" Democracy and some proposals and suggestions about how we might, as a progressive community and force in this country's political life, organize and work towards getting us to move in that direction.
Meantime, the blogging here and the Web Site there are a work in progress. So I just say come on with it then... Farward and faiyaka... Minnotuh- and den gosaka...

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